Stuffed Bell Peppers9 years ago
hungry15 years ago
Duke’s Birth Story8 years ago
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Christmas Card 20186 years ago
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Stop a cold before it starts!9 years ago
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Carving Pumpkins14 years ago
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Work, work, work....it's all I do nowadays, but I'm loving it! I cherish any small amount of down time I have, especially my hour for lunch. It's funny how when I have less time for myself, the more I manage to fit in. I've had 3 shoots this week, one tomorrow morning, and I had to cancel (a first for me) another this weekend because things have been so hectic...
- Going to both her and my brother's ice and roller hockey games
- Jumping on the tramp at Lindsey Zane's house
- Building forts and making up our own club...Casum & Loopty Loop
- Being tomboys and playing football with the boys in her cul-de-sac (Cookies & Milk/cookies w/o milk plays)
- Campfire Girls
- Laying out and swimming in my midget sized pool and pretending we were "really" swimming
- Lake Nacimiento w/the Ritchie family and kneeboarding for my first time (when that used to be cool)
- Babysitting the twins across the street
- Our numerous crushes and boy drama
- Her brother Jonathon would drive us to school every day and we'd constantly listen to 311
- Dipping our Oreos in tall glasses of milk
- Watching her soccer games and thinking how tough she was
- Walking to Longs and collecting every Bonne Bell flavored chapstick they made
- HALLOWEEN and trick-or-treating! (She always had the best costumes, thanks to her mom Shelley--her Blue M&M & Turtle were my favs)
- Sleepovers and trying to stay up all night...but never could
- Wearing tall socks, our Nike shoes, and going on runs
- The smell of her mom's gingerbread men for school and making rock crystal candy
- Rollerblading (Oh yeah!!)
- Walking to middle school with Jenny Lacey and Kelli belly
- We were crazy about Little Caesar's Crazy Bread
- Picnics at Zuma Beach w/us, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and my dad
- Discoving swear words and feeling bad when we kept saying them back and forth...we were such NERDS!
- Lots of Taco Bell and cinnamon twists
- Counting the "F" word in our favorite movie at the time "Seven." (Completely unneccesary...I don't think we ever figured out quite how many there were.)
- I still think of her when I hear the song "Runaway Train" and Chicago
So I'm reading in Wikipedia the other day when Summer and I were having a discussion on how time is measured. We use B.C. and A.D. to note the year, but this is a result of us being part of Western Society (which is somewhat synonymous with modern society), and not because it's been the universal standard. In fact, there is an interesting theory on the idea that 297 years of our recorded history never existed.
- Pre-revolutionary France's famine, disease and malnutrition is our modern day equivalant of a healthcare system in dire need of reform, and our growing epidemics of obesity, diabetes, and increased rates of cancer diagnoses.
- France's balooning national debt was a result of fiscal mismanagement and a budget drained by years of war as well as the consipicuous consumption by the noble class. I would equate France's nobility and clergy with our modern day politicians and deep-pocketed corporations who actively lobby to ensure profitability at the expense of taxpayers.