Summer & Tyler

crazy in love...

Friday, January 08, 2010

Good thing I have this here camera

Posted by lebruf

I came out to my car that I left in the driveway overnight. My first thought was "Shoot, I should have parked it in the garage overnight, now I have to wait for it to defrost." But then I saw what the frost had done to my windows... It was gorgeous. However, I didn't have the time to really admire it (it was frigid, and I was already 5 minutes late). Like Pee Wee Herman said, "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer!" So I did.

Anyway... Here's the best shot I got.


Alexis Scheid said...

This picture is amazing! I love it! u two r the cutest.. love the pic at the top of ur blog. --alexis (tyler's friend from poway!)

Alexis Scheid said...

o tyler... u posted that one! I figured summer would have no idea who i was! i miss seeing you.. hope things are well!

Christina said...

At first I thought it was lavender flowers! Then After reading the post I figured it was ice.... sooo coool!!!!

ps: Thank you guys so much for sending an xmas card all the way out here! We just got it, and I got a warm feeling after reading Tyler's words. I am happy that I know you Summer, even if it is "virtual" for the moment. But I still think Ty is pretty lucky to have you! You guys are welcome here any time you like, but may I suggest your name as the season to come! It would be sooo appropriate! ;-)))

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