If you haven't experienced Pho (pronounced fuhhh not fo) yet, get yourself to the nearest hole in the wall Vietnamese place. It compares to homemade chicken noodle soup with fresh basil & sprouts. If you like sweet/spicy like me-I add sugar.
No one makes Pho like Olane's mom but the place in Orem on State comes mighty close.
It's one of the best ways to feed and clear up a cold. We met Tyler's parents who were babysitting our niece and nephew and after went to their ward party for all sorts of pies...thanks for the invite guys!
A lot of people have mixed feelings about movies in 3D...but I am a huge fan. We saw a Christmas Carol with Leslie and Jimmy a couple weeks ago and it was the coolest thing I've seen since Captain EO at Disneyland.
Most of the pictures we've been taking in the last few weeks have been more bad than good...Here's just a few that actually turned out at our ward Christmas party. It was catered by Apple Spice Junction-used to be one of my favorite work eats at GPS- and Santa was a good sport and even let me have a candy cane! We sat with Alex and his parents-he is in our CTR 5B class and Tyler and his dad both served their missions in Montreal together. No surprise there. He's always knowing someone wherever he goes.
It's about time I took the time to write something on this here blog.
Hi friends...my phone was stolen/lost last night. My precious iPhone is currently laying broken or frozen in the gutter in West Jordan, or was stolen by some creepy guy who was following me in Ross. Either way, it's gone and it's been a lousy 24 hours. It's sad that a material item can matter so much, but it has saved me on numberous occasions- ie: more times than I can count.
Hopefully I'll have a new one by tonight or tomorrow, but that's why I haven't been returning calls or texts-and please do me the favor of emailing me your contact info to summert07@gmail.com....I'd really appreciate it and it'll save me loads of time.