Summer & Tyler

crazy in love...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Called to Serve

Posted by Summer

{Picture compliments of a great aid for ideas!}

Tyler and I were called to be CTR 5 teachers (the 5 year olds) two Sundays ago and we taught our first class this past weekend. We are really excited to teach as a team and are looking forward to serving in our calling!

Or we were before last Sunday......haha. I did nursery for a little while before teaching the Sunbeams and CTR 8s for 2 years, so I'm well aware of how many different personalities and "special" attributes they have. We already had to take one child out of class to get a talking to, and in the middle of class we just staredItalic at each other with our eyebrows raised, thinking simultaneously, "What the heck did we get ourselves into?"

Tyler says he is really going to read that one book he was telling me about that explains the proper way to discipline and get children to behave themselves. Phew....we were worn out and hopefully they were just testing us and giving us a hard time because we're newbies.

Of course we love the kids already--they are darn cute and I am shocked at how much they know about the gospel. What amazing parents they must have to have such smart and knowledgeable children at that age.

This should be fun-I'm looking forward to our next lesson...wish us luck!


Melly Mel said...

Oh that's awesome! You will do great!

Amanda said...

I taught CTR 6 for a couple years when we lived in Virginia. I loved that age. They are able to read a little bit, but they're still cute and don't know every answer. I too was amazed at their knowledge though. I've got a lot to live up to as a mother it looks like. You guys will be great!

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