I feel like I always jinx myself in every situation. When speaking of death, dying, and babies birdies, little did I know that a few days after my last post, I found baby bird parts, mommy feathers, and other unmentionables on our front porch. Yuck...I still get a bad feeling just thinking about it.
We have no idea who did it, and it was NOT my kitties or Zooley (Ty's parent's cat we are sitting while the Parade is going on). Do big birds like Falcons or hawks eat other birds? I really don't know, but that really was crappy. Our whole house was excited to watch them grow up...
Jason found the last baby stuck behind the wreath and placed it back into the nest, hoping that the mom coming back would be a possibility. Seth was even considering mushing up worms and having us feed it, but he didn't live long enough for us to really think about it. Sad day...nature is so awesome and so harsh at the same time. I'm just glad I didn't become a Vet--my heart couldn't take all the sadness!
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