I don't know what's wrong with me but I feel as though I'm repeating myself. If I already mentioned this in another post forgive me!
Yay for technology! Ty (my husband Ty) and I got my dad a flat-screen monitor for his computer for Father's Day. I say flat screen, because his was so old mind you...(he's guessing it's over 12-15 years old) that it was curved!!! So old that you can see each pixel without even pressing your nose right up to it, the colors are indistinguishable, and it actually gives everyone headaches because it's such a dinosaur. I can't believe I didn't think of it before!
Anyways, I'm mentioning this because my parents are FINALLY checking our blog-whereas before you couldn't even see a thing on that screen....and my family in Wisconsin are checking too. Mondlock Clan I miss and love you guys!
This makes me happy! Here are more photos from my shoot last week that I promised you...
{Cullops Photography West Jordan, UT
FYI...If you click on the picture, they should enlarge}
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